Last weekend 106 papal nuncios came to Rome to celebrate the Jubilee. During three days of meetings and conferences, the Pope’s ambassadors discussed the Church of Francis, but also Islam and gender. The presence of “gender ideology” among the hot topics of papal diplomacy shows how sensitive the issue is today, even in [...]
They seem to be two different things, not linked. Yet, there is a threat which links the ongoing discussions about the Synodal path on the family and what takes place in European institutions. Many are the issues that touch on the family and at the same time on the matter of religion in Europe. [...]
To canonize John XXIII and John Paul II at the same time, Pope Francis has not hesitated to slightly bypass canonization procedures in not waiting for confirmation of a second miracle attributable to John XXIII. And this was most certainly the right course to take. John XXIII and John Paul II are of [...]
One year after the historical resignation of Benedict XVI, a document of the UN Committee on the Human Rights simply proves that nothing has changed in the spirit of the world. In the end, Pope Francis must face the same demons and ghosts that have always been menacing the Church, and that [...]
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