In his first meeting with ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, Pope Francis’ message focused on the poor. This is typical of him. «The heart of his message – explains Virginia Bonard, a journalist who works for the Bishops’ Conference of Argentina – is to shed light on the poor and on marginalized [...]
At the end of the synod for the new evangelization, Benedict XVI personally announced that soon seminaries will be under the administration of the Congregation for the Clergy. Currently, seminaries are under the administration of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Soon, a Papal motu proprio will explain the motives leading to this decision. [...]
The second outcome of the Vatileaks case may have come in the classical Vatican formula promoveatur ut amoveatur (promote to remove). James Michael Harvey, Prefect of the Pontifical Household, is to be created cardinal in a surprise consistory announced by Benedict XVI. The consistory will take place November, 24, and will create just [...]
The Vatileaks case does not come to an end with the trial of Paolo Gabriele, the Pope’s butler charged with aggravated theft, convicted of stealing the pontiff’s private documents and leaking them to a journalist, and sentenced to 18 months in prison (but a Papal pardon is likely). Perhaps Vatileaks will [...]
There is more than meets the eye in the trial of His Holiness Chamber Assistant Paolo Gabriele (for aggravated theft) and the Vatican Secretariat of State computer specialist Claudio Sciarpelletti (for abetting) that has just begun in the Vatican. The case reveals a guiding thread that links the Vatican City State legal order [...]
Perhaps Benedict XVI’s «silent revolution» is the main reason for the Vatileaks attacks. Step by step, one appointment after another, the Pope reorganized the «chessboard» of a Curia that – during the last years of John Paul II’s Pontificate – got all too accustomed to operate independently. And perhaps it is not [...]
Reset and recommence from prayer. Prayer does not subtract us from the world. To the contrary, it gives people the sense of living. Benedict XVI, in his catechesis at the general audience of Wednesday, June 13, did not respond directly to the attacks levied against the Church. He is not interested in gossip, [...]
It was with a short, stick to the point, ten lines and three paragraphs press release from the Holy See to clarify its position regarding Ettore Gotti Tedeschi’s case. Gotti Tedeschi had been president of the Board of Superintendence of the I.O.R. (Institute for Religious Works) until May 24th, when he got an [...]
To do away with Vatileaks polemics and rumors, Benedict XVI decided to make a personal public statement. At the end of the General Audience of Wednesday, May 30th, he read a brief and significant declaration about the Vatileaks scandal. «The events – the Pope said - which have occurred during these [...]
«If you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another». This passage of the letter of Paul to Galatians had been quoted by Benedict XVI in the letter he wrote to bishops concerning the remission of excommunication to four lefevbrist bishops is dramatically current in the Church today. [...]
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